Friday, November 21, 2008


Sector 154
Planitia System (System 61064)
Lemis (Grid 185): Planitia System, a gift from Temujin, Protector of the South West Empire and a gift to the Aeronii in 7322 CE. Of all the Eastern Colonies, the Lemisians consider themselves most closely related to Aeron Prime. The arts and culture of the planet mirrors Aeron Prime, albeit with some delay, and the Lemisians mimic Aeron Prime trends in fashion, entertainment and the arts. The Lemisians also commonly refer to themselves as the Taer Aeronii ("New Aeronii") or Yaenins Aeronii ("Eastern Aeronii").
The word "Yaenins" comes from the Aerisii dialect rather than standard Aeronii. The word ending "-ins" of the adjective "Yaen" is an Aerisii construction that indicates proximity rather than regionality, i.e., the direct translation is "Aeronii from the eastern neighborhood" rather than "Yaen Aeronii" which would mean "Aeronii from the eastern regions").

The Lemisian capital is Monj Jopa, a massive, sprawling city located along the equator.
The tropical environment lends itself to an active nightlife while the 64-hour days lends itself to a feeling of endless summer days and warm nights among the Aeronii who live in the city.
The clubs, art galleries, holo-brothels, sports arenas and casinos are open 64-hours a day, 215 days a year. The city also carries itself politically as a liberal mecca.

The refinery city of Juex Manoen was the first in Eastern Aeronii space. The city single-handily refined the materials that built the Eastern Aeronii Fleet, a fact not lost among the other worlds of the Aeronii.

The monastic city of Vaentru is the largest in Eastern Aeronii space. Waer Jaedi monks from the Aeron Prime city of Waer Jaedi and the planet Calphi Bax send some of their best and brightest apprentices to Vaentru for training. The monks who reach the ranks of knight or higher later serve among the Easteren Colonies.

The city of Syraeps is home to the great techfactories of Lemis. The majority of the population are factory workers or indirectly related to the labor force that supplies the high-end technology and products for the Eastern Aeronii.

The aquatic city of Tyraes was built 55 kilometers from the coast of Juex Manoen on a coral reef. The city offers an pelagiac refuge for Western Aeronii lonely for Aeron Prime.
Capital: Monj Jopa

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