Friday, November 21, 2008


Sector 111
Aeron System (System 47409)
Hephaestus (Grid 85): The first off-world colony of the Aeronii. The harsh atmosphere was once toxic to Aeronii, so habitats were built beneath large domes or underground.
The Hephaestians are a hard-working, prideful tribe of the Aeronii hardened by the harsh environment. The Hephaestians are generous to guests, but wary of outsiders. Clannish and loyal, the Hephaestian accent is thick and raw, often hard to understand by outsiders unfamiliar with the dialect of the city-state of Traellia.
The planetary seal of Hephaestus places the planet's name between two arcs to symbolize the mining resources of the planet. The top arc symbolizes the planet shipping resources to the rest of Aeronii space.
The Hephaestian capital city of Tir Maexos began as a simple unmanned mining facility on the surface, watched over by a manned space station.
The first colony beyond Aeron Prime was populated by 312 miners and refinery workers, 22 scientists and six administrators. led by Col. Faelix Otraen. The colony flourished and within 20 years, more than 10,000 people called Tir Maexos home.
Otraen Tower in the center of the city governs the planet.

The sprawling city of Taer Itraenus is the jewel of Hephaestus. The city was the heart of the terraforming project on Hephaestus and the Environmental Academy of Sciences is situated near the initial colony site, now a museum. The population is environmentally conscious and spearheads efforts to reclaim the planet from past damage caused by the first refinery projects on Hephaestus.

The largest refinery in Aeronii space is located in the metropolis of Otraen, the city that 80% of Hephaestian refinery workers call home. The city is named for Col. Faelix Otraen, first administrator of Tir Maexos and later Viceroy of Hephaestus.

The Midlevels of Otraen is a single factory city generating all the materials from raw ore mined from across Aeronii space.

Using geothermal power, the subterranean refineries of Otraen are located three kilometers beneath the city surface.

The planet's factories were built in the open space with the exhaust pumped unregulated into the atmosphere. As Hephaestus' population grew and Aeronii technology improved, Ixian scientists terraformed the planet. Nearly a century of raw pollution provided a greater challenge than simply the natural atmosphere.
The pollution produced by the massive Thaernon Refining Installation was deemed to
significant to maintain across the planet, so the planetary engineers choose rather to dome the facility and filter the pollution inside the dome instead.
Capital: Tir Maexos

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