Friday, November 21, 2008

Taer Lorthaen

Sector 111
Taer Lorthaen System (System 47805)
Taer Lorthaen (formerly Rori) (Grid 111): Taer Lorthaen System, a conquest of Andre Gling, Councilor of the South West Empire and a gift to the Aeronii on 7143.32 CE.
Taer Lorthaen System, a conquest of Andre Gling, Councilor of the South West Empire and a gift to the Aeronii on 7143.32 CE.
Founded by Naboo colonists, the planet of Rori was stratified between wealthy aristocrats and poor laborers. However, the conquest by Gling's Plasma Fleet and the subsequent rule by the Aeronii broke the old order by supplanting the aristocracy with a socialist meritocracy.
In the hundreds of years since Aeronii annexation the disparity between rich and poor in the population has nearly equalized, but some of the Naboo on Taer Lorthaen cling to the simpler ways of the ancestors and live outside the walls of the great cities in pre-Industrial Age communities. These societies are given a wide berth despite the encroachment of the cities.

In the weeks following annexation, Aeronii troops and bureaucrats chose Koraenis as the planet's capital, moving it from the former capital of Gunadar. The city had been forbidden to peasant Rorians, who comprised more than 90% of the population. The Aeronii chose to reclaim the city and symbolically liberatre the population. Most of the wealthy aristocrats fled the city and moved to their estates in Gunadar. Only the House of Berenko remained, lead by Karine Berenko, who was a generous philanthropist. The Berenkos are now one of the most influencial families on the planet.

Gunadar was the capital of Rori under Naboo rule. After the Aeronii took control of the planet and renamed it Taer Lorthaen (New Lorthaen), the city lost its prominence as a trade and government center. Most of the planet's wealthy aristocrats retreated to city as peasant Taer Lorthaen were given property in the countryside and apartments in the other major cities. The move proved financially disasterous as capital remained confined to a single city unwilling to commit much trade to the rest of the planet or Aeronii space. The city slipped into a major economic depression as families that had been wealthy for centuries lost their fortunes and influences in just a few years.
Following economic recovery plans instituted by the Taer Lorthaenii government based in
Koraenis and increased trade from Naboo to stave off complete collapse, the surviving major families: Houses of Dallows, Till, Korden, Janren, Agolerga, Thule, Zapalo, Brandes and Tane united to form the Gunadar Economic Trade Conederation that now rivals the Berenkos for planetary influence.

The Tomb of Vancil is in the heart of the city of Eckener. In 7070 C.E., Rhys Vancil led a peasant revolt against the Rorian aristocracy, liberating the city for more than four years before the planet's major families sent in a combined army to level the city, execute Vancil and his lieutenants, and enslave the rebels.
The tomb is a pilgrimage site for peasant Taer Lorthaenii.

The industrial city of OliƩ is still strongly stratified between the wealthy on the top levels, a vast middle class in the sublevels.

The Undercity of Lago, located on the surface beneath OliƩ is a dangerous, lawless zone of criminals, outcasts, gangs. Illegal cybernetic operations are commonplace as are dangerous medical experiements outlawed throughout Aeronii space.
Capital: Koraenis

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